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Don’t Let History Repeat Itself

By RPG Coffee November 15, 2022

We've all learned that history will repeat itself.
When I was younger, there were three channels on television and maybe two subchannels.
Today, there are hundreds, thousands of channels depending on where you go, and then there's YouTube and Facebook and all these different things.

What happens is our attention gets diverted. So, like the things happening in Ukraine, which is super important. But what happens is we can only take in so much information.

Let's not forget COVID didn't matter what else was going on in the world on top of our minds.

We can't stop what's happening in the world, but we do have the ability to protect ourselves, so we put together the RPG products.

With our products, people can take charge by putting the right things in their bodies, like our immune defense has vitamin C, D, zinc, turmeric, and the RPG aloe.

The best outcome is not to let history go by and repeat itself once we get exposed.

Let's remember the real power that we have is to take care of our bodies so our bodies can take care of us.

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